How d’you like your eggs?

Happy Easter!

Posting this on Easter Sunday has me wondering how many children across the country are hunting for Easter eggs, and how many people are enjoying more chocolate than usual. Chocolate eggs at Easter are a relatively modern custom though, with the original Easter eggs being good old-fashioned hens’ eggs, decorated.

As with so many foodstuffs, homeopaths find those hens’ eggs a useful clue in detecting a good remedy. Of course lots of people have no strong like or dislike for eggs, but when you do it’s always worth investigating.

eggsDo you love or hate eggs? Do they disagree with you? Do you love them hard-boiled, loathe runny egg yolk, or hate their smell?

Here are just a few of the remedy ‘types’ which show a strong relationship to eggs.  Could one be you?

Desire for eggs: Calcarea Carbonica, Carcinosin, Causticum, Pulsatilla, Silica.
Desire for hard-boiled eggs: Calcarea Carbonica.
Aversion to eggs: Belladonna, Ferrum Metallicum, Phosphorus, Pulsatilla.
Aversion to the smell of eggs: Colchicum.
Aversion to runny egg yolk: Sulphur.
Eggs disagree: Calcarea Carbonica, Ferrum Metallicum, Pulsatilla.

The eagle-eyed among you will have noticed that some remedies actually feature in more than one category above. For example, some Pulsatilla people like eggs, others dislike them, and yet others find they disagree. Some even love them in spite of them not agreeing. Just like people, homeopathy can be so contrary!

Your food desires are helpful to me though. Finding a remedy involves a great deal more detective work than simply knowing how you like your eggs, but every strong clue is an important piece of the puzzle.

Anyway, love or loathe hens’ eggs, I hope you all enjoy your Easter eggs.

Warm wishes,
